customer Reviews

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We want our customers to speak for themselves. Learn more about how GoGoGrandparent provides excellent customer service and experiences.
1 (855) 464 - 6872


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8 Years

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Hear directly from those who can't stop
raving about their experiences

GoGo is very helpful for my father’s doctor appointments since I am out of state. I love getting the notifications when he is picked up and dropped off. It really puts my mind at ease. Thank you GoGo for such a fantastic and reliable service!

-Lauren, a family member

GoGoGrandparent gives me some degree of independence now, since I can no longer drive. I love this service.

-Judie, a GoGo customer

"My rides have been good experiences. I'm treated with courtesy, respect and excellent service by both drivers and office folks. I book on the telephone!  I never call anyone else--It's GoGo all the way for me!

-Jacqueline, a GoGo customer

This service gives me a lot of freedom I never had just even a few years ago!

-Brett, a GoGo customer

I had a great experience. I especially like being able to talk to someone live to schedule a ride.

-Debra, a GoGo customer

GoGoGrandparent is by far the most helpful resource available.  It offers many choices, is practical, technologically savvy, and easy to use and I am extremely grateful for it almost every day.

- Anne, a GoGo customer

I've had a wonderful experience using GoGoGrandparent. I don't have a smart phone and I can still book a ride to the places I frequently visit. I just figured out they offer grocery services too. Might try that soon.

- Tiffin, a GoGo customer

GogoGrandparent has really helped my mom maintain a level of independence that wouldn’t be possible without this service. It also gives me the peace of mind of knowing that she can get around safely.

- Deborah, family member of a GoGo customer

They are very good, my lifeline to the world.

- George, a GoGo customer

I like Gogo because I don’t have to worry about trying to use a phone or computer. I have those things, but sometimes I feel more confident and everyone is so helpful.

- Fran, a GoGo customer

They're a very good service, and I'm especially glad, that they've branched out to the grocery and food delivery service

- John, a GoGo customer

Signed up for GoGoGrandparent for my 82 y/o father who lives in another state to get him to his eye appointment. Excellent service and I was able to track his trip back and forth on the live map while I worked 700 miles away.

- Julie, family member of a GoGo customer

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